
Dark Horror chpt. 1

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“This is it,” Rose said as she nudged over a trash can with her foot.
“Why’s Darkspin all the way in Isemon?” asked Cai. The woman peeked over Rose and sure enough Darkspin’s insignia was spray painted across an abandoned warehouse.
“Does is even matter?” asked Brooke. “We’re here one a mission! Jonny needs out!”
Rose’s face contorted with worry. “Brooke is right. We can’t let Klipse get his hands on Jon again.”
“Uh-oh! Duck you two! Trouble is coming!” ordered Cai.
The three females hid behind the trashcans as Arg came around the corner. The humongous man peered around believing he had heard noise. After a few minutes he concluded it was just raccoons and headed back the way he came. Once Arg was out of sight range the trio dared to poke their heads out from behind the garbage cans.
“Yuck! I smell like Dax!” grumbled Cai. The oldest giggled at Rose’s glares. She was too little and baby faced to look threatening.
“Let’s go guys while the coast is clear.” Brooke said as she quietly shoved around more trash cans.
They crept along the wall of the building with cores in hand just in case things got messy.  The coast was clear so far. After what seemed like an hour of shuffling across the hard brick wall an entrance was in sight with no guard around.
Cai felt unsure about the easy access inside. This could be a trap. “Guys, this looks fishy.”
“No, the half-eaten mackerel in the garbage looked fishy,” joked Brooke. “This looks like a welcome sign.”
“Brooke, when Arg isn’t guarding the outside something is up. Medea definitely knows we’re here. This has to be a trap.”
“No Cai, Medea has let Arg inside because she wanted to trick us into thinking this was all a trap so we would leave. Thus using reverse psychology on us!”
“She’s got you there, Cai,” Rose piped in. “In my opinion we should go in before we miss our opportunity.”
“Alright, but we better tread lightly,” warned Cai. The oldest moved forward quickly with the other two following her inside.
The main entryway led into a large empty space with a ceiling that almost reached up to the sky. There was no sign of Jon or Darkspin. Rose looked around wildly at empty turned over crates and food crumbs from meals. They were small signs people were residing in this warehouse.
Brooke picked up an empty ice cream tub. “Looks like Medea isn’t worried about her figure.”
Rose was already on the other side of the gigantic room and looking down a corridor. One of those rooms had Jon locked inside. She cringed at the thought of what Medea and her loyal followers were doing to her guardian. A noise caught her ears.
“Guys,” Rose rasped in a hushed whisper. “I hear something.”
The other girls fell silent. After a few pregnant seconds they heard a scratching noise. The sound could easily be Jon’s giant claws against a door or cage, or it could be a setup by Darkspin. They decided to go with their gut feeling and check it out.
The corridor was poorly lit making it seem dark and endless. The lack of light made it impossible to know what was ahead. All they had to go by was the scratching noise that could or could not be Jon. They finally came to a door where the scratching noise was emanating from. It was painted sloppily in bright red paint with hazard tape stuck on and melting with the paint.
“Definitely Darkspin’s style of ‘top secret’,” affirmed Rose.
“Or it’s Medea and Lat’s love chamber.” Brooke interjected.
“Whatever it is we need to check,” Cai sighed. “On three we open it.” The two other girls agreed. “Ok, one, two, THREE!”
They kicked the door hard. The old, weak wood and rusty hinges easily gave. Rose jumped as the door hit with a large bang.
“What the hell?” murmured Cai in a shocked voice as the three girls walked cautiously into the room.
It was a little smaller than the room they had entered in with the same tall ceiling. The strange thing was the immense amount of tech all over the room. Everyone knew Lat was a techno wiz like Bren, but this was way too complicated even or him. There were supercomputers, hologram charts, and weird formulas graphitized all over the walls in spray paint. Vials of Monsuno essence and different chemicals lined shelves.
A whining noise, a mix between a kicked puppy and the squeal of a shot hog, caused the girls to direct their attention to a cage in the corner. In the cage Jon scratched and bit at the metal bars anxiously. The poor man turned Monsuno was terrified! Rose ran to the cage and stroked Jon’s face.
“Shh, it’s ok Jon. We’re here to bust you out,” Rose soothed in her soft voice.
“Yea,” Brooke grinned pulling out Goldenlight’s core. “My big guy here will bust the lock open in a jiffy.”
“Hang on you two!” Cai had a note book in her hands and was looking at the contents. “This is a formula to mix Monsuno and human DNA!”
“Hello ladies,” purred a sleazy voice.
Suddenly, a second cage dropped onto the three girls. They yelped in surprise with Cai dropping the book.
“It seems you’ve found our little project. You can thank Jon Ace for helping us find the last little bit we needed.” The voice belonged to Lat definitely, but they couldn’t see him for the poor lighting shaded his image.
“Let us out Lat!” growled Cai as she shook the bars angrily.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that sweetheart. We can’t let this knowledge get to Commandant Charlemagne and I have BIG plans for you three.”
Lat then stepped into the light causing Cai, Brooke, and Rose to let out blood curdling screams.
A little Monsuno horror for you starring :iconcutetoboewolf:'s OC Cai, :iconglowblade998:'s OC Brooke, and my own OC Rose.

Monsuno (c) Nicktoons
Cai (c) :iconcutetoboewolf
Brooke (c) :iconglowblade998:
Rose (c) :icongeekwayne:
© 2013 - 2024 GeekWayne
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Festivalights's avatar

i s2g i remembered this while reading another fic and immediately came rushing to find it cos im in it and it's so good whoOOOO